

Hi there! I'm Grace Ekunola, and I wear a few hats—I'm a Full Stack Developer, a Technical Writer, and someone who loves languages. I believe in always learning and growing.

When I'm not coding, you can catch me enjoying anime, immersing myself in different types of music, or trying out new recipes in the kitchen. Exploring these interests keeps me inspired and adds a bit of creativity to my life. Whether it's in the world of tech or the simple joys of everyday hobbies, I'm on a journey of continuous discovery and improvement


Ruby On Rails
Technical Writing


This is a summary of the services I can render.

UI/UX Design

I build elegant but simple UIs that are captivating yet functional.

Web Development

My goal is to build fast, mobile-first websites that clearly communicate with the users.

Apps Development

I aim to build industry-standard problem-solving applications.

Technical Writing

I write easy-to-understand technical documents and articles that simplify complex information



A simple todo list built with JavaScript using local storage.

JavaScript | Webpack


This is a simple books catalogue built with react-redux. It fetches data from BookApi (A RESTFUL API built with Ruby on Rails.) and stores it in the Redux store, then displays it on the website.

ReactJs | Ruby On Rails | HTML/CSS | Jest | Firebase

Newsweek Clone

A clone from the Newsweek website homepage.

HTML/CSS | Bootstrap

Pokemon Catalogue

This is a simple pokemon catalogue built with react-redux. It is a Single-Page-Application which fetches data from PokeApi and stores it in the Redux store, then displays it on the website. The website has 2 pages using a route with the first page showing a list of Pokemons and the second page shows the details and information about a particular pokemon.

JavaScript | React/Redux | Firebase

Book App

A Rails app that allows you to register books you've read and group them based on their genres.It also has a feature that allows you to review other people's books as well as see reviews from different people on the book based on a 5-star rating.

Ruby On Rails | Bootstrap | Heroku


This project is an RPG shooter game built with Phaser 3, a JavaScript game framework designed to create 2D games.

JavaScript | Phaser


When and How to Effectively Use Bootstrap

In my journey to becoming a Software Developer, I've seen so many frameworks being implemented and one of them is Bootstrap. As efficient as it is though, so many developers have a strong dislike towards it, myself included. Here's when and how to use it.

User Authentication in Android using Firebase (Java)

In this tutorial, we'll build a simple Java Android app with Firebase for authentication that allows users to create accounts. sign in and sign out of the accounts. We'll also cover how to use your Android phone as an emulator.

How to Add User Authentication using Devise (Bootstrap in Rails 7)

Authentication is an essential security feature for web applications, especially those that handle sensitive user data or provide restricted access to certain functionality. By requiring users to authenticate themselves before accessing the application, developers can ensure that only authorised users can view or modify the data and functionality of the application.


  • Grace proved to be essential to the team and contributed significantly to the development of the company. When you really get to connect with her, you'll discover an amazing person with exceptional skills! Grace leads by example and many people at Bulwark find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. Energetic and broad-minded Trainee - that's her! Detail-oriented team player. Grace possesses a winning combination of solid tech skills and business sense, I learned a great deal from her. I absolutely would recommend her as a Trainee.

    - Ekunola Ezekiel
    FrontEnd Engineer,
  • Grace is hardworking, focused, and a results-oriented programmer who is kind and supportive to everyone.

    - Marylene Sawyer
    Full-Stack Engineer


You can reach me via the following means: